Inspired by the various domains of well-being, a framework for use in higher education was developed which addresses the real and projected needs of military-connected learners.
A military-connected campus is the synchronization of efforts between the institution's strategic, operational, and individual levels, contributing to the academic and social well-being of military-connected students.
Working together, we will assess the needs of your local and regional military-connected student population to ensure barrier-free access to higher education. By closely examining your current structure, policies, and external partnerships through a military-connected student lens, we will cultivate a positive learning environment for this group of underrepresented learners.
Military-connected students are a diverse group of learners who possess a vast amount of lived experience and skills that are highly beneficial in pursuing a diploma, degree, or certification.
In fostering the development of a sustainable academic and social support framework for military-connected students, learning institutions are setting the conditions for this underrepresented population to personally transform and pursue scholarship in a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.
Let's collaborate.